When you invite candidates on-site to interview for an open position at your company, it's inevitable that they will incur some expenses in the process. Travel costs, hotel stays, transportation, meals
Candidates can easily spend hundreds of dollars for an on-site interview between transportation, hotel stays, meals, and more. It’s only fair and respectful that your company reimburses candidates for these reasonable expenses in a timely manner.
In-person job interviews are a time-tested method of evaluating job candidates and have provided valuable benefits for both the hiring company and the job seeker. Despite the rise of virtual interviews, face-to-face interviews
The cornerstone of Reimbi's purpose is candidate experience. Reimbi takes one
piece of the candidate journey and does it exceptionally well: reimbursing
candidates for their interview expenses.
Have you ever waited
Have you ever heard of the EEK reimbursement method? You probably haven’t
because it is a name we made up. But the process it refers to is real.
It is a reimbursement